Our One Christmas Decoration . . . Your Book

From a book buyer:

"I can't wait to receive the book (in the mail). Since I have no kids and my husband and I work a lot at the holidays, we don't make a big deal of decorations, but I love the small things, like this book, which will have that special Christmas meaning, it is so personal . . . and it seems to be full of what Christmas is all about. The perfect Christmas gift to myself and decoration for our home. I look forward to sharing the holiday with you through your book. Thanks again and Congrats."

1 comment

  • I am so touched by this post. Since many Christmas decorations aren’t necessarily reminders of the manger it was a real treat to read that someone was using my book as their only decoration. I’m sure it received a lot of attention. Thanks be to God. – Beth Gully – Author/Illustrator

    Beth Gully

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